If you want to be a better leader

 Open Your Zerodha Demat Account & Access Free Advisory From Capito Investments

If you want to be a better leader? 

1. Make Others Feel Safe to Speak-Up

Many times leaders intimidate their colleagues with their title and power when they walk into a room. 

Successful leaders encourage others to voice their opinions.  

They are experts at making others feel safe to speak up.

2. Make Decisions

Successful leaders are expert decision-makers. 

They either facilitate the dialogue to empower their colleagues to reach a strategic conclusion or they do it themselves. 

They focus on “making things happen” at all times.

3. Communicate Expectations

Successful leaders are great communicators. 

In doing so, they remind their colleagues of the organization’s core values and mission statement – ensuring that their vision is properly translated and actionable objectives are properly executed.

4. Challenge People to Think

The most successful leaders understand their colleagues’ mindsets, capabilities and areas for improvement. 

They use this knowledge/insight to challenge their teams to think and stretch them to reach for more.

5. Be Accountable to Others

Successful leaders allow their colleagues to manage them. 

This doesn’t mean they are allowing others to control them – but rather becoming accountable to assure they are being proactive to their colleague's needs.

6. Lead by Example

Leading by example sounds easy, but few leaders are consistent with this one. 

Successful leaders practice what they preach and are mindful of their actions.

7. Measure & Reward Performance

Great leaders always have a strong “pulse” on business performance. 

Not only do they review the numbers and measure performance ROI, but they are also active in acknowledging hard work and efforts (no matter the result).

8. Provide Continuous Feedback

Employees want their leaders to know that they are paying attention to them and they appreciate any insights along the way. 

Successful leaders always provide feedback and they welcome reciprocal feedback.

9. Properly Allocate and Deploy Talent

Successful leaders know their talent pool and how to use it. 

They are experts at activating the capabilities of their colleagues and knowing when to deploy their unique skill sets given the circumstances at hand.

10. Problem Solver

Successful leaders tackle issues head-on and know how to discover the heart of the matter at hand. 

They don’t procrastinate and thus become incredibly proficient at problem-solving.

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