Make Trading as a bussiness - Kirthee Bane

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Trading can be a serious business. A lot of people are tempted to chose the path of full time trader over further studies or a job. Here are 10 truths to know before taking the plunge to become a full time trader: ๐Ÿงต

1. 10000 hour rule: • Put in your 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert in a given field, be it a doctor, engineer, lawyer, CA, CFA etc. • A common rule of thumb, popularized by Malcom Gladwell in his book Outliers.

2. Passion for trading: • Don't get influenced by watching reels on Instagram about a trader who trades on a hilltop or over the pool, or buys a private jet or throws a party in a yacht etc. • Remember they are selling the dream. • Know why you want to become a trader.
• Trading is not a "get rich quick" business. • Chose to become a trader, only if you are passionate about it and are willing to follow the process with discipline

3. Consider going part time before deciding to trade full time: • Side hustle is required to put your skills to test. • Should be profitable consistently across all cycles while doing it part time for an absolute minimum of 12 months although 18-24 months is preferable.

4. Instrument and the system should be scalable: • Low liquid counters may seem fine with small capital. • But once you become a full time trader, the capital of your trading account will definitely go up, and low liquid counters wont be scalable.

5. Accumulate the requisite capital: • Never trade on borrowed funds. • Work for few years to generate the capital. • If you are a student, convince your parents to lend them a small amount (which should not lead to a lifestyle change for the family in case you lose it all)

6. Safety Margin: • Have enough cash in the bank to sustain your lifestyle for at least 12-18 months. This will give you more options when something does go wrong. • Have a separate emergency fund for you or family member's illness (in case required).

7. Give yourself time: • Just like other profession, trading too requires a commitment in terms of requisite hours to be put in every single day • Remember there are no shortcuts for hardwork & perseverance

8. Set yourself up for failure: • Fail quickly, which helps you to learn faster from your mistakes and rectify them. • Failures shouldn't be viewed as a dead end, but as a door of opportunity that leads you to a new path.

9. Involve your family members: • I personally had No support system who stood by my decision when I decided for trading in stock market. • In fact motivate your family member on investing in stock market equity only.

10. Have an optimistic attitude: • Words, actions and thoughts should be purely of positive connotations for ourselves and for others as that will keep you in higher energy vibrations • One can manifest the abundance through repetitions of positive affirmations.

My All Time Golden Words For Every Young Youth Trader -
Don't doubt yourself, have faith. Remember: You cannot fail if you commit to something!

Always a Trader needs peace of mind -


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